Centro de Información en Energías renovables - CINER


We promote, through the energy, environmental and educational sectors, the harmonic development of society, providing specialized information, advising, promoting, and training human resources in areas of: technological application, administration, analysis, execution and evaluation of projects, bringing together the demand of these areas with financial resources. Technical Development; Management; Formulation; Execution; Monitoring and Evaluation of Projects. We finished with the technical assistance for efficient stoves for very poor families in some regions of Bolivia; with the aid of "Ingenieria sin Fronteras" from Spain; PROAGRO Energía/GTZ from Germany and Holland; and of Fundación CEDESOL/EPA from Bolivia and the USA.

Organization Type Non-Governmental Organization

Contact Information

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Primary Initiatives, Target Populations, and Scope of Work:

New project with "Ingenieria sin Fronteras" from Spain to help people very poor in a community level.

Fuels/Technologies: Biogas
Sectors of Experience: Education
Renewable Energy
Planning, monitoring and evaluation

Our Experience And Interest In The Four PCIA Central Focus Areas

Social/Cultural barriers to using traditional fuels and stoves:

We work with NGOs who are well known by the communities; we help them to adjust to the new stove; to the new technologies we are introducing (wind and solar energy also) for showers and for electricity. We work with people from the community and the technicians are also part of the time living with them.

Market development for improved cooking technologies:

We buy efficient and certified stoves.

Technology standardization for cooking, heating and ventilation:

With the standards given by GTZ- Aprovecho Institute and the Universidad Mayor de San Simón.

Indoor air pollution exposure and health monitoring:

With the IAP that some of the institutions have, we make the monitoring: pre and post surveys, participative observation, on going and ex-post monitoring.

Relevant Publications or Studies

GAMARRA Alba, CANEDO Walter. Monitoring and Evaluation Handbook.
Linking Income-Generating activities and micro enterprises with Energy Services for the Poor in the Chaco Region-CRECER CON ENERGIA has received funding from the Intelligent Energy- Europe (IEE)COOPENER Programme under the contract: EIE/05/212/SI2.420249

Our Contribution to the Partnership

Knowledge to share.