Volunteer Efforts for Development Concerns (VEDCO)


Build fuel saving stoves (improved Rocket Lorena stoves) in Moyo District with GTZ. Possible solutions search for an area of solar energy to replace kerosene lamps.

Organization Type Non-Governmental Organization

Contact Information

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Primary Initiatives, Target Populations, and Scope of Work:

To replace kerosene lamps with solar (renewable energy) among small and medium holder farmers with at least 10 dollar income per day in rural areas, initiative still at inception state and piloted in four districts with a support for ETC. Pilot to cover 1,000 households.

Fuels/Technologies: Biogas
Liquid Petroleum Gas
Biofuel from Jatropha
Sectors of Experience: Agriculture
Behavior Change
Renewable Energy
Rural Development
Countries of Operation: Ghana

Our Experience And Interest In The Four PCIA Central Focus Areas

Social/Cultural barriers to using traditional fuels and stoves:

No input

Market development for improved cooking technologies:

- Technology markets present
- High willingness to pay/adopt but some contradict cultural norms of family warning on fire
- Appreciated by most women
- Must be re-enforced with agro practices
- VEDCO still interested in market development for cooking technology

Technology standardization for cooking, heating and ventilation:

- VEDCO interested but has no experience
- Not certain, possibly will standardize cost of technology irrespective of location and technologies disseminated irrespective of types of goods to cook
- Need to appreciate cultural norms eg cooking bananas twice so standardize heating

Indoor air pollution exposure and health monitoring:

Not much experience but great interest

Relevant Publications or Studies

None noted

Our Contribution to the Partnership

No input