Fundacion Solar


VISION: Contribute to the construction of a society in which people participate with equal conditions and opportunities, without distinction of gender, class or ethnic background, thus enabling sustainable development.

MISSION: To establish ourselves as a driving force in the fields of renewable energy services, environmental services, legislation and policy formulation for water and energy, to support sustainable development integrating an innovative, participatory and interdisciplinary focus.

Organization Type Non-Governmental Organization

Contact Information

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Primary Initiatives, Target Populations, and Scope of Work:

Energy: PURE, Productive Uses of Renewable Energy, financed by UNDP (rural, poverty reduction, use of RE resources)
Water: GIRH, Integrated Watershed managment, financed by the Neatherlands (second stae, middle watershed)
Environmental Services: southern area of lake Atitlán (rurla poor.)
and tree transversal lines of work: a) gender and multiculturality, b) programming, monitorin, learning and evaluation and c) adminstration.

Fuels/Technologies: Biogas
Sectors of Experience: Energy
Renewable Energy
Rural Development

Our Experience And Interest In The Four PCIA Central Focus Areas

Social/Cultural barriers to using traditional fuels and stoves:

In Guatemala, 50% of primary energy comes from biomass, and most of it from firewood for cooking. The latest numbers are apalling: 17,367,000 cubic metres of wood per year! (data from INAB)

Fundcion Solar has been working with improved cooking stoves since 1996, working with Ing. Manuel Tay with the first Lorenas. In all of our projects, the stove component is included as a way to avoid emmisions, lower the amount of firewood used, preserve forests, increease efficiency and lower health impacts for women and children.

We have worked with several models of stoves, such as HELPS, Rocket, Patzaris etc., trying to match the stove with the cultural and climatic conditions in each case.

We are now proposing the preparation of a protocol for certification of improved stoves, in order to provide countries and NGOs with a tool to assure quality to final users.

Market development for improved cooking technologies:

We have not worked in this area.

Technology standardization for cooking, heating and ventilation:

We are now proposing the preparation of a protocol for certification of improved stoves, in order to provide countries and NGOs with a tool to assure quality to final users. We are recommending for local Universities to be the entities responsible for the certification of stoves, defining materials, fuels, efficiencies etc.

Indoor air pollution exposure and health monitoring:

The proposed protocol will be complemented with monitoring proposals, including emmissions, efficiencies, health indicators, life of materials etc.

Relevant Publications or Studies

None noted

Our Contribution to the Partnership

Send reports and experiences
Send people to training
Share the proposal to REEEP on the protocol for certification of improves stoves.