Soil Control Lab


Provide a classification system to identify biofuels based on chemical, combustion and air flow carateristics.
We can then determine the renewable fuel available in an area and design, build and market stoves designed that will work best for that area.

Organization Type Private Industry

Contact Information

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Primary Initiatives, Target Populations, and Scope of Work:

Designing test procedures for biofuels to make measurments that can be used to predict how a biofuel will combust
These tests are used to classify the fuel available in an area and the range of stoves designed biofuels with this classification.

Fuels/Technologies: Alcohol Fuels
Sectors of Experience: Agriculture
Renewable Energy
organic byproducts and finding uses for them

Our Experience And Interest In The Four PCIA Central Focus Areas

Social/Cultural barriers to using traditional fuels and stoves:

IMO cultural changes will only happen when convenience of something new is great. Improved biomass stoves will be accepted only when they are greatly changed to permit continous combustion without intervention (fuel socks), syngas distributed to homes and ready, liquid fuels etc.

Market development for improved cooking technologies:

formulate biofuels to be pressed and used in specific stoved designed for them

Technology standardization for cooking, heating and ventilation:

method development for testing biofuels
create standards based on test methods results

Indoor air pollution exposure and health monitoring:

optimize biofuels and conditions to burn for the least amount of pollutants produced

Relevant Publications or Studies

None noted

Our Contribution to the Partnership

test biomass and biomass by-products
method development for biofuels