Indoor Air Pollution and Household Energy Monitoring – Latin America Regional Workshop

May 2-6, 2005, Antigua, Guatemala

The first of a series of regional training workshops on indoor air pollution and household energy monitoring, this workshop was held in Antigua, Guatemala from 2-6 May 2005 and was jointly organized by the World Health Organization, the Pan American Health Organization, the US Environmental Protection Agency and the Center for Entrepreneurship in International Health and Development (CEIHD).

These 5-day training workshops are intended to empower governmental and non-governmental agencies to evaluate the impact of their intervention projects on indoor air pollution, health and wellbeing, and the socioeconomic situation of the household. Main target audiences are PCIA Partners undertaking household energy intervention projects and "future trainers" willing to provide training and ongoing support to projects located in a given region.

Pennise, David. Biomass Pollution Basics(Center for entrepreneurship in International Health and Development, University of California-Berkeley) available from