Centre for Household Energy and Environment (CEHEEN)


CEHEEN's mission is to improve the health, socio-economic and environmental conditions of the rural and urban poor in Nigeria through the promotion of appropriate technology in the household energy sector. In Nigeria, we are currently collaborating with alcohol stove manufacturers and other international organizations to promote the use of alcohol fuels that burn in specially designed stoves for the purpose of eliminating health-damaging indoor air pollution from the homes of biomass users in Nigeria, currently estimated at 16 million families.

Organization Type Non-Governmental Organization

Contact Information

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Primary Initiatives, Target Populations, and Scope of Work:

Nigeria, Ethiopia, South Africa, Guatemala, Haiti

Fuels/Technologies: Alcohol Fuels
Sectors of Experience: Energy
Renewable Energy

Our Experience And Interest In The Four PCIA Central Focus Areas

Social/Cultural barriers to using traditional fuels and stoves:

Our experience has been that of addressing the rigid behavioural patterns of traditional fuel/stove users by increasing awareness in switching from inferior biomass to clean, affordable, safe and efficient home cooking systems based on alcohol fuels. We have used the following outreach model to achieve the above objective: health education and awareness promotion; training programmes; public enlightenment campaigns and cultural programmes.

Market development for improved cooking technologies:

Our interest is to develop a new market for smokeless, affordable, safe and efficient stove and fuel in Nigeria. This effort will eventually lay the groundwork for a successful business including the development of micro-finance and other financial options that will justify the local manufacture of alcohol stoves in Nigeria and for the African market.

Technology standardization for cooking, heating and ventilation:

Our interest is to successfully introduce a clean, safe, efficient and affordable alcohol stove and fuel system, which inherently reduces indoor air pollution to safe levels in Nigerian households. This technology will be demonstrated through a qualitative pilot test of the stove and fuel in carefully selected locations for the purpose of demonstrating the affordability, safety, efficiency, cleanliness and reliability in the homes.

Indoor air pollution exposure and health monitoring:

Our interest is to develop a smoke monitoring protocol which will be used to conduct baseline epidemiological studies during the pilot phase to determine the relationship between exposure to indoor air pollution and health. The exercise would also involve laboratory tests on selected individuals in the study group. There would be routine air quality assesssment using standardized air monitoring equipment.

Relevant Publications or Studies

None noted

Our Contribution to the Partnership

We would like to participate by soliciting the collaboration of the other partners in the partnership in organizing training workshops and seminars. We would be sharing our experience and skills with the partners by sending out our newsletters and articles for publication. We would also welcome voluteers to work with us in the field.