Half Million Improved Stoves for a Smokeless Peru Campaign

The “Half Million Improved Stoves for a Smokeless Peru” Campaign (Campaña Medio Millón de Cocinas Mejoradas Por un Perú sin Humo) began in June of 2009 and will last through December 2011. The campaign’s goal is to contribute to an improved quality of life for Peruvian families through the installation of certified improved stoves in half a million households, and to create development opportunities for communities.


Website features:

The first tab “La Campaña” explains general information about the campaign (operation, program components, how to take part). The second tab “Avances” consists of a “cocinómetro” which tracks the campaign’s progress (includes statistics and map of stove locations), certification lab information with evaluations of different stove models, and a calendar of monthly activities achieved through the campaign. The third tab “Documentos de Interés” provides access to documents and links related to the campaign. The fourth tab “Nuestra Agenda” includes an agenda of upcoming activities.

Note: website is in Spanish